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Weekend Wonder Detox

Writer's picture: Judith D CollinsJudith D Collins
ISBN: 9780738217369
Publication Date: 04/29/2014
Publisher: Perseus Books
Format: Paperback (other)
My Rating: 5 Stars
A special thank you to Perseus Books Group, Da Capo Press, and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review
WEEKEND WONDER DETOX was the perfect book to reinforce my research of foods, additives, environmental toxins, and a wealth of information for anyone wanting to take control of their health and well-being. (I wish WEEKEND WONDER DETOX had been around when I began my research and journey years ago), as everything you NEED, is included in this incredible and resourceful book.
One you will want to keep on hand for reference for years to come, and give as gifts to your family and friends.
On a Personal Note: A few years ago, I was experiencing allergy reactions to foods and toxins, anaphylaxis‎ attacks, ear and sinus infections, heart palpitations, very fast heart rate- keeping me from much needed sleep and always in high adrenaline mode, with increase in blood pressure, IBS, among other illnesses. No matter how much I exercised, (thought I was eating healthy), the symptoms continued – with an EpiPen in hand at all times.
After visiting numerous doctors, an array of tests with specialists, EKGs, stress tests, etc. (all doctors want to do is put you on medicine). I refuse as have allergic reactions, and think they are unnecessary.
I began tons of online research—obsessed with everything about foods and toxins, keeping a daily journal of all my food intake, exercises, reading all labels; recording symptoms, blood pressure and pulse rate for a year.
After discovering many of the salad dressings, additives (which mirrors heart problems), foods, dairy products, meats, and other toxins in my house like air fresheners, and plugs ins, were causing my problems (have the tests to prove how it affects the heart, after eating certain foods) – I changed my entire life style.
For the last two years, I have felt like a new person--no more heart issues, or allergy attacks – taking control over my health. I have been a strict vegan with NO meats or dairy, no processed foods, or foods with additives, no alcohol, and no caffeine. ALL ORGANIC. Fresh vegetables, sprouts, fruits, legumes, beans, and whole grains. I totally focus on veggies and water – which is a big part of the book.
I very seldom dine out, as you do not know what additives or preservatives are hidden. I enjoy food shopping, and have maintained my size 4-6, heart and blood pressure normal, and no allergy attacks or ear and sinus issues, with lots of energy and never hungry. It is all in the planning of your meals and foods, in order to have them readily available. IT WORKS!
After reading this book, there was still much more to learn, which was extremely helpful. I am so excited about this book and want to tell everyone about it. The author did an outstanding job of explaining and detailing, with extensive background --critical for every woman, man, and child.
My mom has colon cancer and dad, leukemia (they work out daily); however, they eat foods with additives and preservatives, as number of Americans---they do what is easy---which is difficult to observe, especially our grandchildren growing up in a world surrounded by processed foods, sweets, candy. The parents (my grown son included), complains about their health issues; however, does not seem to desire wellness enough, to stop their poor habits. (I cringe when I see what the kids eat these days). If the parents do not take action, their children will grow up, with the same poor habits.
As anything else, you have to WANT AND NEED something bad enough, develop passion, and educate yourself if you want a healthy body and lifestyle for yourself, and your family. WEEKEND WONDER is definitely your education and guide and will set you on the correct path.
WEEKEND WONDER DETOX is a comprehensive guide, to help you with cleansing, detox, assessments, journals, as well as educating you about essentials, foods and toxins, superfoods, specific organ targets, menus, recipes, exercises, spa treatments, stress remedies, and even body care (ladies, you will love this section), and household products (learn to make your own safe products), with strategies to establish healthful habits in your everyday life.
Michelle Schoffro Cook, International Best-selling and 16-Time Book Author and Holistic Nutritionist, offers a fresh approach --the best I have read, helping you reset your natural body chemistry with a variety of different plans, to improve your overall health. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
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