A Story of Lies, Desperation, and Finding God
By: Candice Curry
ISBN: 9780801019616
Publisher: Baker Books
Publication Date: 5/16/2017
Format: Paperback
My Rating: 4 Stars When Candice Curry was a little girl, she put her hand in her father's back pocket so that she wouldn't get lost in large crowds. Little did she know that as she followed him, he was plying his trade: conning people. Her family drove stolen cars, lived in stolen houses, and shopped with stolen credit cards. Drug use was regular, as were visits from strange people who were trying to track her father down. Though she eventually cut ties with her father, Candice could not ignore the scars that were left from her childhood.
This is her story, one steeped in secrets but one that, ultimately, led her to a place of forgiveness and freedom. As she struggles to understand her criminal father, as well as her own imperfect life, Candice comes to realize that we are not defined by our circumstances but rather by how we react to those circumstances. She's found peace in the knowledge that God doesn't love us because we're perfect--but because he is.
A special thank you to Baker and NetGalley for an early reading copy.
Advance Praise
“A captivating story of hope and redemption.” —Margaret Feinberg, author of Fight Back With Joy
“I had no intention to sit down and read this book cover to cover in one sitting, but Candice drew me into her story from the opening chapter. She writes so honestly about the painful childhood memories and wounds left by her father. I found myself in awe of her strength and resilience. The Con Man’s Daughter is a journey of hope, redemption, and the relentless love of a God who pursues us beyond the ends of the earth. You will be captivated.” — Melanie Shankle, New York Times bestselling author of Nobody’s Cuter Than You
Narrated by Jorjeana Marie
“Awesome read. Awesome story. God can always take a mess and make it his message. Candice weathered some incredible storms—this is a must-read! If Candice can make it, anyone can. Once I began to read, I couldn’t put it down! Hope, help, and healing are in these pages. Take the journey with Candice!” — Ken Freeman, author, evangelist, and motivational speaker
“From the first 120 mph wild ride Candice Curry takes with her earthly father to the first frightened whispered prayer to her heavenly one, I felt like a passenger in the speeding sports car of her life journey. She tells a story of heartbreak and redemption with an emotional yet humorous voice that both draws the reader in and leaves her changed.” —Jenny Rapson, editor, ForEveryMom.com
“The Con Man’s Daughter is a wild ride full of brokenness and pain, beauty and redemption. You will laugh and cry. You will want to hold little Candice in your arms and speak belovedness over her. You will cheer for her in her bravery and resilience and weep for her in her pain. Candice bravely shares the real truths of what it was like to grow up with a broken father and how it affected her. She doesn’t try to wrap things up in a pretty bow or avoid the hard parts, but shares with authenticity how God met her in the brokenness and brought about healing and redemption. It is full of unspeakable pain, unfathomable grace, unpredictable redemption, and breathtaking beauty.” —Brandi Lea, US founder and director, Beauty for Ashes Uganda
“Candice Curry has an incredible gift of sharing her story with grace, authenticity, and humbleness. I could not put this book down, and when I did, I could not stop thinking about what could possibly happen next. Her life and her story got into my head, but even more so, into my heart. There were parts of her story that broke my heart, and I found myself weeping for her loss. But God. As strong as the pain is in these chapters, redemption runs stronger. In her story she has given us a view of her own transformation—from bitterness to forgiveness. If God can help her to forgive the deepest, darkest wounds of her soul, then, surely, he can help any of us walk through forgiveness and experience what she has penned in these pages… freedom. Share your story and set others free.” —Celeste Barnard, author and speaker
About the Author
I’m a mama to 4 incredibly unique girls and 1 super spunky little boy. In 2015 we welcomed my teenage sister into our home as one of our own. I’m married to a country boy with the patience of Mother Teresa. His humor and kindness are what make my heart fly out of my chest. I caved to my kids begging and recently adopted a dog only because he’s old, lazy, and doesn’t care about much. I think he might be my spiritual animal.
My life goal was to become a police officer and have 6 sons. You can see how that all worked out for me. Even though my plan for my life isn’t what God had mapped out, I’ve never been more thankful for things not going according to my plan. Instead of the police academy, I ended up in the restaurant business for 20 years.
My husband and I met while managing a restaurant together. After marriage, family and spiritual struggles, I finally surrendered to what I wanted to do instead of what I felt I had to do. I gave up the green beans and gravy life and started writing. In 2014 I I wrote An Open Letter To My Daughter’s Stepmom and it landed us on The Today Show and Good Morning America. That single moment of me hitting publish on something I had written opened up some amazing opportunities for me and my family and gave me the opportunity to tell my story.
You can find my writing on The Huffington Post where I’ve had several articles featured, as well as on For Every Mom and Alamo City Moms Blog, where I am a contributor.
I’ve written my first book (cue the horns), titled The Con Man’s Daughter, and it comes out in May of 2017. My prayer in openly sharing my life story is that it will show someone else how beautiful redemption can be. Yes, my father was a con man and you’ll have to read the book to get the whole story.
The gift of freedom wrapped in forgiveness is one of my favorite things to talk about. And I consider it a privilege to be a mom to a special needs child.
My friends would say I have the ability to insert humor into every situation…but they would probably also say it doesn’t always come at the most appropriate time. The first time I spoke to a MOPS group they sent out a mass email warning the moms that I was the guest speaker…it was my own church! Everyone made it out alive and they’ve even asked me back.
I know that seasons come and go and while I love the season that I’m in, I really hope my future seasons bring me more grandbabies than I can count, amazing nights sitting by the fire with my husband, and many summer days knee deep in a Texas river.
Oh, and I also want to be in a Lifetime movie at some point. It’s gotta be one of those super crazy ones where the cat becomes possessed, steals the baby, and runs off to join a cult then I have to somehow find them, rescue my baby and cast out the cat demons. If you’re reading this, Lifetime Movie Network people, call me! Read More